Who needs a theme park? Monaghan’s empire: Domino's Pizza Founder to Build Catholic Town. As Mr. Monaghan puts it: “I Am Focusing On God, Family and Domino's Pizza!”
February 17, 2006 – The official ground breaking of Florida’s newest town and the permanent campus of the first U.S. Catholic university to be built in more than 40 years was held today between Naples and Immokalee, Fla. Ave Maria University’s permanent campus and Ave Maria, Fla., took another giant step forward to becoming a reality, both of which are scheduled to open in the summer of 2007.
Click here: FOXNews.com - U.S. & World News - Domino's Pizza Founder to Build Catholic Town
NEW YORK - A former marine who was raised by nuns and made a fortune selling
pizza has embarked on a $400 million plan to build the first town in America to
be run according to strict Catholic principles.
pornography and contraceptives will be banned in the new Florida town of Ave
Maria, which has begun to take shape on former vegetable farms 90 miles
northwest of Miami.
Tom Monaghan, the founder of the Domino’s
Pizza chain, has stirred protests from civil rights activists by declaring that
Ave Maria’s pharmacies will not be allowed to sell condoms or birth control pills. The town’s cable
television network will carry no X-rated channels.
In 2002, the intersection of two noteworthy visions created a pioneering opportunity for a wholly new approach to education and land planning.
On one side, Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza and chairman of the Ave Maria Foundation, dreamed of creating the first major conservative Catholic university in the United States in more than 40 years.
At the same time, the Barron Collier Companies, a diversified Southwest Florida company carrying forward the legacy of the County's founding family, was poised to usher in a revolutionary program in the rural land planning.
As these two visionary parties became partners in the University and Town of Ave Maria, they found not only the means for bringing their respective dreams to reality, but also an opportunity to build an institution unlike any other.
The first phase is expected to open in mid 2007 with all necessary campus and town facilities to accommodate an expected 650 students. An interim campus near Vineyards in North Naples opened for classes in September 2003, and doubled its enrollment for its second year.
You are invited you to tour this site to learn more about the town of Ave Maria, including information on custom homes, rental apartments, and commercial opportunities.
What do you think: Ready to relocate?
Religion & Society 101
The Arabian peninsula is an irregular rectangle of land close to 1.25 million square miles in extent, nestled between northeast Africa, the Fertile Crescent, and Iran.
Comprising some of the harshest and most desolate regions on Earth, it has nevertheless played host to a long sequence of states reaching back into distant antiquity.
Always a vitally significant region, as the homeland of Islam it's influence on modern world history is incalculable.
City of God! - How do professionals detect a fake 20 dollar bill? By examening and studying the authentic one! Pastor Ron, you must be eating, sleeping and drinking (so to speak) "REVELATION" that you detect the fake City of God! Praise the Lord!!! - we will one day relocate - but not to "Ave Maria" in Florida!
Hi! I linked over here on a blog search, you have a cool blog… I also posted an article on the Monaghan issue in Florida, esspecially on your title, city of God.. if you would like to check it out go to: www.debaterelatepontificate.blogspot.com
Hi! I checked out the article of SAMROCHA "City of God".
What do you think: is his blood also BIBLINE?
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