Friday, March 03, 2006


The following is the opening two paragraphs of this Sunday’s sermon from Genesis 3.20-24.

What’s in a name? Adam called is wife (Khav-VAH) from the Hebrew which is related to the root word (khai) which means "life". So it is rendered "Eve" in most English translations. The form of the root is one which usually indicates a person's occupation, thus "one who gives life". So while the word that identifies her as "woman" is (Ish-shah), her proper name is (Khav-VAH).

She is given this name because she "was the mother of all living." So, in spite of the rebellion in sin and the guilt of the fallen soul of mankind, God, in his mercy and to exercise his grace toward his chosen ones, would allow humans not only to continue their work of dominion, but also to proceed in multiplying and filling the earth.

Worship & enjoy!

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