Wednesday, May 09, 2007

David w/ Goliath Head!

Caravaggio 1573 – 1610 - oil on panel (91 × 116 cm) — 1606/07

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Caravaggio mostly painted on canvas, but this work was made on a panel. For more on Caravaggio see Caravaggio biography.

This work is linked to 1 Samuel 17:54

David has just killed the giant Goliath and takes the head with him in order to show it to his people.

Niccolò Machiavelli, in The Prince, states that we should learn this lesson from David and fight with our own weapons, using our own strengths, and not try to borrow or hire those of others.

What are some of the Goliaths we face in life?

Goliath represents the many insufferable obstacles and pitfalls we encounter in life, whether they be spiritual or physical. Goliaths will try to win over us, but, like David, we have the grace of God on our side, and God empowers us to confront and conquer those enormous giants. Like David, we fight with our God given weaponry to defeat them. We do not need to borrow or hire the weapons of others; all we need is the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ to defeat whatever Goliath we encounter. So pray, study the Word of God, and witness to God’s grace in the face of today's Goliaths.

Heads will roll!

enjoy, ron

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